Daily commands #4: Record terminal sessions

I’ve recently discovered Asciinema which lets you record and share your terminal sessions. It’s pretty neat and lightweight, the only downside is that if you make the recording public (required if you want to embed the video in your site) it will appear on the Asciinema homepage too, some people might not enjoy that.

Installation is dead simple

curl -sL https://asciinema.org/install | sh

You must install curl if you don’t have it already

sudo apt-get install curl

Run this command to start recording

asciinema rec

And when you’re done press Ctrl+D or type


You may want to create an account to be able to edit or delete your recordings

asciinema auth

The recording is also text based which means that text is very sharp and you can also pause it and copy/paste commands into your terminal and that is pretty awesome.

Written on June 11, 2015